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Kangshare Formation

Kangshare Fm


Age Interval: 
Early Triassic, (TJ46)

Xizang (Tibet)

Type Locality and Naming

Wang Yigang et al. named this formation in 1980. The named section is located near Tulong Village on Kangshare Mountain, west of Tulong Village, Nyalam County, southern Tibet. Lowest formation of the former Tulong Gr. [See details on nomenclature history in Additional Information.]

Synonym: Fukangshare Fm

Lithology and Thickness

It consists of carbonate rocks and clastic rocks. It is divided into two parts: Lower part is composed of gray, light purple shale and gray middle bioclastic limestone; Upper part is purplish red, gray medium to medium thick layer of limestone. The upper part contains mud. The thickness is 103 m.

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

The bottom boundary marked by the first appearance of dolomite and dolomitic limestone is conformable contact to the underlying Upper Permian Nimaloshiza Fm (of Selong Gr ; but current uppermost formation in Selong Gr usage here is the Baga Fm; Nimaloshiza Fm is apparently a marine black shale with acritarchs and other fossils (Yin Hongfu, 2000, in Permian-Triassic Evolution of Tethys and Western Circum-Pacific book), but is not listed in Geol. Strat. Names of China either)

Upper contact

Top boundary marked by the final appearance of purplish red limestone is conformably overlain by the Laibuxi Fm.

Regional extent

It is distributed in the area of Nyalam and Dingri in the south of Tibet. The north boundary starts from Jilong in the west, and passes through Dingri and Gamba to Kangma's Gala. South to the border.




There are five Ammonoid assemblages from the bottom to top: (1) Otoceras latilobatum assemblage zone, (2) Lytophiceras sakuntala assemblage zone, (3) Gyronites psilogyrus assemblage zone, (4) Owenites assemblage zone, (5) Procarnites-Anasibirites assemblage zone. There are eight Conodont assemblages from the bottom to top: (1) Hindeodus typicalis-H. parvus assemblage zone, (2) Isarcicella isarcica assemblage zone, (3) Neospathodus kummeli assemblage zone, (4) N. cristagalli assemblage zone, (5) N. waageni assemblage zone, (6) N. milleri assemblage zone, (7) N. jubata assemblage zone, (8) N. timorensis assemblage zone. There are three Bivalve assemblages from the bottom to top: (1) Claraia concentrica dingjieensis-C. griesbachi assemblage zone, (2) Promyalina intermedia-Claraia hubeiensis assemblage zone, (3) Claraia decidens-C. himaica assemblage zone


Tong et al. (2019, Triassic integrated stratigraphy and timescale in China, Science China: Earth Sciences, v. 62, no. 1) assign it as spanning the Induan through Olenekian.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

This formation is shallow marine facies.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Synonym: Fukangshare Fm

Lithology and Thickness:

It consists of carbonate rocks and clastic rocks. It is divided into two parts: Lower part is composed of gray, light purple shale and gray middle bioclastic limestone; Upper part is purplish red, gray medium to medium thick layer of limestone. The upper part contains mud. The thickness is 103 m.

Lithology-pattern: Limestone

Relationships and Distribution:

Lower contact:

The bottom boundary marked by the first appearance of dolomite and dolomitic limestone is conformable contact to the underlying Upper Permian Nimaloshiza Fm (of Selong Gr ; but current uppermost formation in Selong Gr usage here is the Baga Fm; Nimaloshiza Fm is apparently a marine black shale with acritarchs and other fossils (Yin Hongfu, 2000, in Permian-Triassic Evolution of Tethys and Western Circum-Pacific book), but is not listed in Geol. Strat. Names of China either)

Upper contact:

Top boundary marked by the final appearance of purplish red limestone is conformably overlain by the Laibuxi Fm.

Regional extent:

It is distributed in the area of Nyalam and Dingri in the south of Tibet. The north boundary starts from Jilong in the west, and passes through Dingri and Gamba to Kangma's Gala. South to the border.



There are five Ammonoid assemblages from the bottom to top: (1) Otoceras latilobatum assemblage zone, (2) Lytophiceras sakuntala assemblage zone, (3) Gyronites psilogyrus assemblage zone, (4) Owenites assemblage zone, (5) Procarnites-Anasibirites assemblage zone. There are eight Conodont assemblages from the bottom to top: (1) Hindeodus typicalis-H. parvus assemblage zone, (2) Isarcicella isarcica assemblage zone, (3) Neospathodus kummeli assemblage zone, (4) N. cristagalli assemblage zone, (5) N. waageni assemblage zone, (6) N. milleri assemblage zone, (7) N. jubata assemblage zone, (8) N. timorensis assemblage zone. There are three Bivalve assemblages from the bottom to top: (1) Claraia concentrica dingjieensis-C. griesbachi assemblage zone, (2) Promyalina intermedia-Claraia hubeiensis assemblage zone, (3) Claraia decidens-C. himaica assemblage zone


Tong et al. (2019, Triassic integrated stratigraphy and timescale in China, Science China: Earth Sciences, v. 62, no. 1) assign it as spanning the Induan through Olenekian.

Age span:

Beginning stage: Induan

Fraction up in beginning stage: 0.0

Beginning date (Ma):

Ending stage: Olenekian

Fraction up in ending stage: 1.0

Ending date (Ma):

Depositional setting:

This formation is shallow marine facies.


Additional Information

In 1965, Gu Qingge established the "Ma Xiangqu Group" and "Kagangla Formation", representing the Middle Triassic, Lower Triassic and Upper Triassic Carnian in the south of Dingri, Tibet, respectively. In 1974, Yin Jixiang et al. studied Tulong section and believed that the rock properties of Tulong section were similar to those of "Maxiangqu Group" and "Kagangla Formation". But these two units were not named and used strictly in accordance with the principle of lithostratigraphic unit. Therefore, Tulong section was used as the named section and Tulong Gr was established. The named Tulong Fm refers to a set of carbonate strata in the southern part of Mount Qomolangma (Mount Everest), which lies between the Upper Permian Selong Gr and the Upper Triassic Qulonggongba Fm, which was divided to lower, middle and upper part, and the age is the Early Triassic Induan to Late Triassic Norian. In 1980, Wang Yigang et al. further studied the Tulong section and divided the Tulong Gr from bottom to top into Kangshare Fm (corresponding to the lower part of Tulong Gr), Laibuxi Fm (corresponding to the middle part of Tulong Gr), Zhamure Fm (corresponding to lower part of the upper group of Tulong Gr) and Dalongsha Fm (corresponding to the upper part of the upper group of Tulong Gr). In 1987, Rao Rongbiao et al. divided the Tulong Gr into "Tulong Fm", "Qudenggongba Fm", "Kangshare Fm" and "Yazhi Fm" from bottom to top, which had been publicly quoted by Tian Chuanrong (1982) and Xu Xian et al. (1982) before publication. It is considered in this Lexicon that the effective lithostratigraphic units of the Tulong Gr in the southern part of Mount Qomolangma should be Kangshare Fm, Laibuxi Formation, Zhamure Fm and Dashalong Fm from bottom to top.


Zhang Shunxin, Miao Xue and Tong Jinnan.